m i a d e s i g n


Hiking, hitchhiking, traveling, couchsurfing, busking with my ukulele, bucket lists, adventure racing…just few of the keywords that makes me feel alive, makes me feel proud of myself once in a while, make me curious of things my body and mind can set up to ♥ My biggest adventure till this day was to hitchhike with Jazz all across the Europe in 68 days, basically without spending any money. It gave me a lot.. lot of new perspectives, friends, inner strength and cool photos ofc =))

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p
yay! welcome to my new portfolio ♥

A brand new decision to upgrade my page has been made and I keep improving, working out the bugs and uploading new stuff every day..so muchas gracias for your patience and there it’s coming..